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True Motion Running GmbH

Hermann-Sudermann-Str. 3

48155 Münster

Office address (Germany):

True Motion Running GmbH
Weyertal 13
50937 Köln

Logistics partner (Returns):

True Motion Running GmbH
c/o EMO-LOG GmbH
Kesslerweg 10
48155 Münster

Managing directors and legal representatives: Andre Kriwet & Christian Arens


Registry court: district court of Münster

German company registry number: HRB 17485

VAT identification number: DE320908732

Legal information

This website provides an overview of True Motion Running GmbH as well as legal information on our Internet presence. If you have any questions regarding True Motion Running GmbH or suggestions regarding the layout or content of this website, please contact

The information provided on these pages does not constitute a warrant or guarantee, neither expressly nor implicitly. In particular, it does not implicitly constitute a warrant or guarantee concerning quality, commercial property, suitability for certain purposes or non-repudiation of laws and patents.

You may find links to other Internet pages on our website. However, we would like to point out that we have no influence on the design or content of any of these linked pages. Therefore, we take no responsibility for the up-to-dateness, correctness, or quality of any information provided there. We hence disassociate ourselves from all contents provided on these pages. This declaration applies to all links to external pages contained on our website as well as their contents.

All texts, pictures, graphics, audio, video, and animated files as well as their composition are subject to copyright law and related regulations protecting intellectual property. They may neither be copied for commercial purposes or sharing, nor may they be altered and used on other webpages. Some of True Motion Running GmbH’s webpages contain material which is subject to the respective provider’s copyright.

Changes in products and services may have occurred after one or more webpages were finalized. Design or shape changes, color deviations as well as changes in the scope of delivery and services on the part of the manufacturer remain reserved during the time of delivery, so long as changes and deviations are deemed acceptable for the customer whilst taking into account True Motion Running GmbH‘s interests. Unless otherwise stipulated in the terms of sales and delivery, prices valid on the day of delivery apply. For our contract partners, these prices are suggested retail prices.

Dispute settlement

Irrespective of our participation in alternative dispute settlement proceedings, we are, under current law, obliged to inform youthat the European Commission implemented an online dispute resolution platform to settle consumer rights disputes without bringing them to court. You can find the European online dispute resolution platform here:

True Motion Running GmbH will not and is not obliged to engage in dispute settlements before a consumer arbitration board according to VSBG.


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© 2023 True Motion Running GmbH